Intimate House Concerts in and around PORTLAND, OR & on the
INHOUSE Jazz 2025
Why we need support from wonderful people like you...
You know how amazing these artists are – your concert donations pay for their performance. Several of you have been so generous to help with donating extra to provide lodging for musicians, wine, etc… Truly amazing!
How can you help?
Donations can be made during any concert or by mail.
Annual donation possibilities:
What do you get for your generous donation?
Well, obviously my undying appreciation and grateful musicians…but also:
You’ll see more amazing artists populate the INHOUSE Jazz line-up
AND....Your name will be listed on our website ...giving credit where credit is due!
Are your donations tax deductable?
Unfortunately, we are currently not a 501(c)(3). I am interested in looking into this in the future – if you have experience in setting up a 501(c)(3), please contact me ...Annie.
Do you love INHOUSE, but can’t afford to make a donation right now?
The best donations are not necessarily in the form of money…
We welcome in-kind donations such as:
- lodging for musicians
- housecleaning services
- on site recording
Maybe you have airmiles?
Or just come to as many concerts as you can and spread the word.
Accolades and Kudos are also warmly appreciated – leave a comment on the website or in the guest book at the next concert !
INHOUSE Supporters
A Special “Forever” Thank You from Annie to...
Don Weller, Cynthia Scott, John Lupton, Joseph and Christina Swafford, Jeff Ouderkirk, Twylah Olson, Frank and Michelle Geltner, Gini and Jeff Graham, Anne and John Pearson, Mike and Jonny Horsfall for opening their homes and yards, taking photos, helping out in the kitchen, bringing and storing wine, dancing, singing along and constant support through attendance…
John Lupton and Frank Geltner for sharing their amazing pianos ...the beautifully restored Knabe Concert Grand and the 100 Year old Steinway
Judy and Craig Joubert from Stonecrest Cellars for giving us the "perfect" chairs
Newport Newstimes and Oregon Coast Today for publishing all our articles .
John Bringetto, Rachel Steward and Joe Jordan for help with coordinating contributions to benefit music students in Lincoln County Schools
Oregon Coast Council for the Arts for publicity support
The artists for sharing their amazing talents at affordable rates… AND…
To YOU for filling the seats so that we can continue offering concerts for you to enjoy!
Do you love INHOUSE Jazz?